Conversational AI: The Ultimate Leverage in the Blogging and Copywriting World

Gregory D. Welch
5 min readSep 28, 2023


Art Generated by Gregory D. Welch |

Here’s the deal: There’s no putting this genie back in the bottle now. But that’s a good thing if you know how to use it.

The winds of change are blowing through the blogging and copywriting landscapes. With the unstoppable rise of artificial intelligence, the playing field is shifting, and those who adapt will emerge victorious.

How can you keep ahead of the curve and harness the immense potential of AI? The answer lies in mastering the art of conversational AI and prompt engineering. This powerful combination will elevate your content game, ensuring you stand out in a sea of formulaic and tasteless AI content.

Prompt Engineering: The Secret to Unleashing AI’s Full Potential

Prompt Engineering is a stuffy-sounding term that basically means knowing how to communicate with AI to get the results you want and need from it. It’s not just typing a few cheap words into the machine and copying whatever it spits back out. It’s a whole process.

By giving the AI a little context and providing clear and detailed instructions, you can direct AI to produce high-quality, tailored content. Content that is custom-built for your audience and objectives. This skill is the key to unlocking an AI Augmented approach to Content Marketing, enabling you to stay ahead of the competition while they remain oblivious.

Tapping into AI’s Strengths, Minimizing Its Weaknesses

Prompt engineering allows you to make full use of AI’s strengths while limiting its weaknesses. For example, AI excels at generating large volumes of content, but creativity and originality just aren’t quite its forte. That’s where you, the human, play a critical role.

It might be tempting to tap-tap-tap in a few cheap prompts that are quickly spreading like Chickenpox across the entire internet, but that’s how you get the same cheap dime-a-dozen crap that everyone else is pushing. Your audience doesn’t want crap, they want prime rib. And what I’m about to show you is how you go from prompt to prime rib.

Bring on the Main Course

To get the platinum level, god mode edition of ChatGPT, and similar tools, you have to work the console a bit more. You have to have an eye for what good content is to start with and approach AI as a partner. Not a replacement. Whether you’re having it do a little of the work, a lot of the work, or most of the work, you still have to work right alongside of it to get it to produce what you want and what your audience deserves to get from you.

Think of yourself as an AI-Editor. Your job is to prompt AI, shape what it produces, edit the content and ultimately refine it.

But for this work, you need to see your usage of AI and Augmenting your process as a writing collaboration more than a push button solution. AI can analyze, process and respond to you in amazing ways. Far more ways than simply pushing a few buttons and playing a lottery of letters to see what pops out.

This means you can tailor your content to exact segments of your audience or even figure out who the heck your audience is to start with. You just have to know how to work with AI to get there.

Prompt Engineering in Real-World Scenarios

Here’s a glimpse at how prompt engineering can be applied to blogging and copywriting:

Blogging: A blogger looking to create an informative post about the latest digital marketing trends can use prompt engineering to generate a post that delves into the latest tools, strategies and best practices in the industry. Some examples of simple prompts a blogger could use are:

  • “Write a 1200 word blog post about the top 10 digital marketing frames that every marketer should know about in 2023 and explain their features and benefits.” Pro Tip: To improve the results, provide the AI with a list of the ten marketing tools and a few bullet points about each.
  • “Create an informative post about the most current trends in social media marketing and how they can be used to increase engagement and drive sales.”
  • “Write a detailed post about the latest developments in email marketing and how they can be used to improve open and click-through rates.”

Copywriting: A copywriter aiming to create a persuasive sales page for a new product can use prompt engineering to generate a page that includes specific language and calls to action known to effectively convert visitors into customers. Here are a few examples of prompts that a copywriter could use:

  • “I want you to act as a top expert on creating sales pages. I want you to interview you me in such a way that you help me create a sales page that includes social proof and specific language that establishes [the product] as a leader in its category.”
  • Pro Tip: Provide the AI with some details about the product and replace the text inside the brackets with relevant information for a more tailored response.
  • “You’re a top expert in creating Sales pages that are smart and optimized for getting the best results. Create a sales page that includes language that creates a sense of urgency and scarcity and includes a clear call-to-action that is optimized to motivate visitors to make a purchase.”
  • “Create a sales page that includes language that targets [a specific audience] and addresses the following [specific needs and concerns], and includes a clear call-to-action that encourages visitors to make a purchase.”
  • Pro Tip: Replace the text inside the brackets with relevant details to obtain a more customized response.

Embarking on Your Prompt Engineering Journey

If you’re eager to elevate your writing and stay ahead of the competition in the age of AI, it’s time to delve into the world of prompt engineering. This skill requires continuous learning, experimentation, and a shift in mindset when approaching AI — no matter which platform you use.

Begin by experimenting with simple prompts and gradually progress to more complex and advanced requests. As you grow more comfortable with creating simple prompts, you can start crafting more intricate and targeted prompts to generate even higher-quality content. Remember, developing your skills in prompt engineering is an ongoing process.

The Bottom Line

The blogging and copywriting landscapes are evolving rapidly with the advent of AI. Whether you’re using this technology to scale your existing business or build a new one, now is the time to consider how you can differentiate yourself from the rest.

Don’t merely settle for the superficial potential of this incredible technology. Take it to the next level by mastering the art of conversing with AI more effectively, yielding better results than your competition.

The future of content creation isn’t just about quantity or speed but the quality you bring to the table. Learning how to ask AI for unique results, distinct from what everyone else is requesting, is the secret to standing out in the ever-changing world of blogging and copywriting. Embrace conversational AI and prompt engineering as your ultimate leverage and forge your path to success.

AI Disclaimer: This post was brought to you by human intelligence and AI efficiency. Together, they make a pretty unstoppable team. But don’t worry, it still has a heart…made of circuits and wires.



Gregory D. Welch

I Ghostwrite Educational Email Courses for Innovative Founders & Digital Marketers going from Analog to Augmented Content | AI Strategist & Ghostwriter