Let’s Write Little Love Notes with Hot Fires on Cold Nights


Gregory D. Welch
2 min readOct 11, 2021
Photo by Benjamin DeYoung on Unsplash

Let’s write little love notes with cold nights and hot coffee, little bouquets of wildflowers, and kisses on the nose

Let’s build a fire in the fireplace, tucking little kisses in little moments before getting the fire lit, and all the little moments after

Lean on back babe, feel my warm arms wrapping around you, my lips tickle your neck as I kiss my way to your ear and whisper little whispers

Tucking so much in by a hot fire, watching embers pop and flashing flick flicker lights in each other’s eyes as we peek little peeks that say so much

Let’s cuddle up close and cozy down, sipping hot coffee and each other, kissing coffee-flavored kisses beside a hot fire

All tucked up and cozied down, let’s let the cold night be our excuse to wrap each other up in one another’s arms

All tucked up and cozied down, let’s watch the fire flick flicker as we kiss little kisses and scoot in a little closer

Let’s make a little bed of pillows and cuddle our way into a cold night, happily warm in each other’s arms

A Cold night is a good excuse to wrap each other up and tuck ourselves in a little closer, kissing until your butterflies flutter



Gregory D. Welch

I Ghostwrite Educational Email Courses for Innovative Founders & Digital Marketers going from Analog to Augmented Content | AI Strategist & Ghostwriter