Poetry: Feelings Are Fragile Things

A poem

Feelings are fragile things
slithering about with anxious energy
the poet’s stomach is all tangled up
like a knot of Christmas lights blinking
ugly shades of red in an offbeat heartbeat rhythm

Here comes the slithering sadness
sliding in between the ribs
finding its hungry way to the heart
and that coil of anxious insides is all knotted up
ugly shades of heartache flickering in and out

Ain’t it funny how one day can be so different
from the next day and the day after that
how one morning you wake up fine
but there’s an ugly thing with its sights on you
a little bit of offbeat heartbeat sadness

I reckon in the end it just is what it is
all tangled up inside
ain’t a thing you can do about it either
feelings are fragile things



Gregory D. Welch

I Ghostwrite Educational Email Courses for Innovative Founders & Digital Marketers going from Analog to Augmented Content | AI Strategist & Ghostwriter